A magical way for educatıon: visual literacy

Gamze Çelik


“Visual literacy is education that enhances understanding of the role and function of images in representation and communication, especially in the media.” (Newfield 2011:82). Debes (1969:27) said that; “ Visual Literacy refers to a group of vision-competences a human being can develop by seeing and at the same time having and integrating other sensory experiences.” Education of visual literacy is important for understanding of true meaning of messages in visual elements. Hobbs (2002 cited from Shurtleff 2006:13) claimed, “Epicureans believed that, in fact, the mind cannot think without images.” Samuels and Samuels (1975 cited from Shurtleff 2006:13) also claimed “the archeological record reveals that the first expressions of thougt are visual, not vocal”. In our daily life, visual technology and media literacy has become increasingly popular in our world. We use when we give information, from websites, give PowerPoint presentations, and sketch on Smartboards to get our memories, ideas across. Teenagers, who have come of age in a technological world , they must learn how they can use visual literacy.Teachers should use, in our age, video games, eager consumers of graphic novels, illustrations, photos, diagrams, graphs, symbols, icons and other visual representations.


visual literacy; education; visuals

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Debes, J. (1969) “What Is ‘Visual Literacy?’”, International Visual Literacy Association, From internet: 20.12.2012 http://www.ivla.org/drupal2/content/what-visual-literacy

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Shurtleff, Steven J.(2006) Visual Literacy As A Method Of Understanding Texts In The Language, Masters of Arts, Kent State University College and Graduate School, Ohio.


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Science & Philosophy - Journal of Epistemology, Science and Philosophy. ISSN 2282-7757; eISSN  2282-7765.