Il latino della scienza Galilei e i fratelli Bernoulli in uno studio interdisciplinare sulla brachistocrona (Latin in Science, Galilei and the Bernoulli brothers in interdisciplinary study over the Brachistochrone)

Francesca Coppa, Piera Filippi


In this paper, we describe an interdisciplinary study between Latin and Mathematics, where Latin serves as a tool for inquiry, facilitating access to and reflection on the new mathematical concepts that emerged during the Scientific Revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries. By examining original texts in Latin, we trace the genesis of these concepts and their development through the creation of a new Latin lexicon tailored to express them.We analyze texts by Galileo and the Bernoulli brothers concerning the brachistochrone problem, which marks the transition from classical mathematics to the new infinitesimal calculus that laid the groundwork for the Scientific Revolution. From an epistemological perspective, solving this problem—which requires the new tools of differential calculus—offers a significant example of the limitations of classical mathematics. The analysis of primary sources allows us to reconstruct the original thinking that led scientists to propose solutions, while also encountering an epistemological obstacle: the concept of the limit. Furthermore, analyzing the Latin texts reveals the construction and evolution of scientific language as it developed alongside the new mathematics. 


Brachistochrone, Latin, Galilei, Bernoulli, History of Mathematics

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Copyright (c) 2024 Francesca Coppa, Piera Filippi

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Science & Philosophy - Journal of Epistemology, Science and Philosophy. ISSN 2282-7757; eISSN  2282-7765.