Scientific-Philosophical Base of Darwin's and Wallace's Theory of Evolution

Klaus Fröhlich


If Darwin's and Wallace's theory of evolution is reduced to "eat and be eaten" misunderstanding and rejection arise. From a didactic point of view, a scientific and philosophical examination of the theory is necessary. It can create understanding and acceptance. Epistemologically, the theory of evolution describes a cognition and innovation process that corresponds to scientific working methods. The philosophical analysis shows that ethical behaviour emerges in evolution. The basic concept of this article is the assumption of the unity of spirit and matter (monism) and the parallelism of ethics and mechanics (Elome concept). There is no principal contradiction between the theory of evolution and religious ideas but to the magical-mythical worldview. An understanding of the scientific method is a prerequisite for a deeper understanding of the evolutionary process. It is not about a branch of biology, but about a world view.


philosophy science; ethic evolution; ethic social sciences; biology life definition; evolution pedagogy didactic

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Science & Philosophy - Journal of Epistemology, Science and Philosophy. ISSN 2282-7757; eISSN  2282-7765.