Sociological Explorations of Food: Interconnections, Aesthetics, and Rituals in Culinary Practices
This article explores the sociological dimensions of food, emphasizing its social significance, aesthetic qualities, and ritualistic aspects. It investigates how food creates social bonds, influences power dynamics, and shapes hierarchies. It examines the sensory qualities and cultural contexts that generate culinary experiences, including the concept of “food as art”. Additionally, it highlights the symbolic and transformative nature of food rituals, exploring their impact on ethical and aesthetic sensibilities. Overall, this article offers a sociological perspective on the multifaceted nature of food, providing insights into its role in shaping social relationships, cultural identities, and human societies. Through the interconnections, aesthetics, and rituals of culinary practices, it delves into the complex dynamics, cultural meanings, and lived experiences associated with foodways.
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Science & Philosophy - Journal of Epistemology, Science and Philosophy. ISSN 2282-7757; eISSN 2282-7765.