Probabilità e Statistica nella scuola primaria: esperienze didattiche e proposte

Luciana Delli Rocili, Antonio Maturo


INVALSI tests, with the idea of evaluating schools, and teachers, evaluating students abilities, produce a passage from mass school, in which the goal was to promote cooperation and uniform training of all students, with particular attention to the weakest, to elite school, which enhances competition. We ask ourselves then what are the most important objectives for mathematics in primary school: training, information, cooperation or competition? Or something else? Or a mix of these objectives, and, if so, in what proportions? In particular, in this paper, we deepen the objectives and skills related to probability and statistics. The starting point is that an important role in the teaching of probability and statistics is to be attributed to the game that is the time when children are having to assess situations of uncertainty and make decisions according to their own opinions and experiences.


Probability and Statistics in primary school, didactis playing, training, information, competition and cooperation.

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Science & Philosophy - Journal of Epistemology, Science and Philosophy. ISSN 2282-7757; eISSN  2282-7765.