A Multi-Criteria Analysis for the Evaluation of Social Housing Proposals: from the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to the Analytic Network Process (ANP)

Barbara Ferri


Social housing requires appropriate evaluation models of projects, considering them from multiple perspectives: architectural, technical, environmental, economic, financial, paying particular attention to social aspects. The study proposes the use of a multi criteria evaluation model, based on the hierarchical (AHP) and network (ANP) analysis, as support in decision-making to guide practitioners and policy on the choice among alternative interventions. These methods allow to consider the overall effect of projects on urban system and the different points of view of those concerned, in an integrated and participatory approach. Interesting research perspectives concern the application of these evaluation approaches to case studies related to neighborhoods in which urban planning provides for social housing. The analysis will address the recent proposals for social housing in the city of Pescara (Italy), and in particular the urban transformation that is expected to achieve by means of the Integrated Urban Development Programme on the south-west of the city, whose regeneration was started by the Community Programme Urban 2.


Un’Analisi Multi Criteri per la Valutazione delle Proposte di Housing Sociale: dall’Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) all’Analytic Network Process (ANP)

I modelli insediativi di social housing richiedono idonei strumenti valutativi degli interventi immobiliari, considerandoli da molteplici punti di vista: architettonici, urbanistici, ambientali, economici, finanziari, con particolare attenzione agli aspetti sociali. Lo studio propone l’impiego di un modello valutativo multicriteri basato sull’analisi gerarchica (AHP) e a rete (ANP), come supporto ai processi decisionali riguardanti la scelta tra interventi alternativi di edilizia residenziale sociale, considerando il loro effetto complessivo sul sistema urbano secondo un approccio integrato e partecipativo.

Parole Chiave: analisi multicriteri, edilizia residenziale sociale sostenibile, strutturazione del problema decisionale


multicriteria decision making; sustainable social housing; problem structuring methods

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23756/sp.v4i2.288


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Copyright (c) 2017 Barbara Ferri

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Science & Philosophy - Journal of Epistemology, Science and Philosophy. ISSN 2282-7757; eISSN  2282-7765.