An epistemological and bio-physical point of view on complex systems

Stefano Polizzi


In this article, after a historical introduction, we give an epistemological point of view of the physics of complex systems. Complex systems are epistemologically interesting because of the fundamental interaction experiment/observer and physicists in their everyday life can experience the paradoxes given by this interaction. Here we describe some of these paradoxes, we make a parallel with quantum mechanics and give a possible philosophical solution, based on notorious physicists/philosopher from the past, transposing and reinterpreting their ideas to modern times. In particular, we analyse the interaction with a complex system such as the living cell, and therefore we also analyse some biophysical implications of complexity.


complex systems; epistemology; experiment/observer interaction

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Science & Philosophy - Journal of Epistemology, Science and Philosophy. ISSN 2282-7757; eISSN  2282-7765.