Isolate g-eccentric domination in fuzzy graph

S. Muthupandiyan, A Mohamed Ismayil


In a fuzzy graph G(ρ, μ), a dominating set D ⊆ P(G) is said to be g-eccentric if at least one g-eccentric vertex a of every vertex b in P − D exists in D. If the induced fuzzy sub graph < D > has at least one isolated vertex, then a g-eccentric dominating set D of G is said to be an isolate g-eccentric dominating set. The isolate g-eccentric domination number is defined as the smallest cardinality over all isolate g-eccentric dominating sets of G. This article introduces the isolate g-eccentric point set, isolate g-eccentric dominating set, and their numbers in fuzzy graphs. In some standard fuzzy graphs, bounds are found for an isolate g-eccentric domination number.


Fuzzy graph(FG); g-Distance; Isolate g-eccentric number; Isolate domination number; g-eccentric domination number; Isolate g-eccentric domination number.

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Ratio Mathematica - Journal of Mathematics, Statistics, and Applications. ISSN 1592-7415; e-ISSN 2282-8214.