Studies on A. Einstein. B. Podolsky and N. Rosen argument that “quantum mechanics is not a complete theory,” III: Illustrative examples and applications

Ruggero Maria Santilli


In the preceding Papers I and II of this series, we have presented a review and upgrade of basic mathematical, physical and chemical methods, and provided a confirmation of the apparent proof of the EPR argument [1] that extended particles within physical media (interior dynamical problems) admit classical counterparts [9], while Einstein’s determinism appears to be progressively verified with the increase of the density of the medium [10]. In this third and final paper of the series, we shown that the EPT argument in general, and Einstein’s determinism in particular, appear to be progressively verified in the structure of mesons, baryon, nuclei, and molecular bonds while being fully verified at the limit of gravitational collapse. We additionally show, apparently for the first time, the validity of the EPR final statement to the effect that the wavefunction [of quantum mechanics] does not provide a complete description of the physical reality” since the covering isowavefunctions of hadronic mechanics provide an otherwise impossible representation of all characteristics of various physical and chemical interior systems existing in nature. 




EPR argument, isomathematics, isomechanics.

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