On a Geometric Representation of Probability Laws and of a Coherent Prevision-Function According to Subjectivistic Conception of Probability

Pierpaolo Angelini, Angela De Sanctis


We distinguish the two extreme aspects of the logic of certainty by identifying their corresponding structures into a linear space. We extend probability laws P formally admissible in terms of coherence to random quantities. We give a geometric representation of these laws P and of a coherent prevision function P which we previously defined in an original way. We are the first in the world to do this kind of work: it is the foundation of our next and extensive study concerning the formulation of a geometric, wellorganized and original theory of random quantities.


metric; collinearity; vector subspace; convex set; linear dependence

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23755/rm.v34i0.401


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Ratio Mathematica - Journal of Mathematics, Statistics, and Applications. ISSN 1592-7415; e-ISSN 2282-8214.