Weighted Norlund-Euler Statistical Convergence In Neutrosophic Normed Linear Spaces

Muthuraj R, Nachammal K


This paper explores the neutrosophic Norlund I-statistically conver[1]gent sequence space. In Norlund convergent spaces, we introduce some neutrosophic normed spaces (NNSs). The topological and al[1]gebraic characteristics of these convergent sequence spaces are also examined. The NNS theory technique is used to prove theorems. Results are gathered from many angles, and fresh instances are cre[1]ated to support the equivalents and show the validity of the new ideas. The findings of this study provide a thorough foundation for NNS and significantly advance the literature’s theoretical understanding of the phenomenon. This study’s distinguishing characteristic is the first comprehensive analysis of the properties and use of neutrosophic Norlund I-statistically convergent sequences in NNS, based on the accepted definition.


Statistical convergence, weighted statistical convergence, neutrosophic normed linear space.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23755/rm.v49i0.1427


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Ratio Mathematica - Journal of Mathematics, Statistics, and Applications. ISSN 1592-7415; e-ISSN 2282-8214.