Lie-isotopic representation of stable nuclei III: Exact and time invariant representation of nuclear stability
In the preceding two papers, we presented exact and time invariant represen- tations of stable nuclei via the Lie-isotopic branch of hadronic mechanics and showed the necessity for the results of lifting Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle for point-like particles into the isouncertainty principle of hadronic mechanics, also called Einstein’s isodeterminism, for extended nucleons in condition of mutual penetration. In this paper we present apparently for the first time: the treatment of protons and neutrons as isoparticles charac- terized by the isosymmetries and isorelativities of hadronic mechanics; the representation of all characteristics of the neutron at the nonrelativistic and relativistic levels as a hadronic bound state of an isoelectron and an isopro- ton; the identification of the density of the neutron in a way compatible with other experimental data; and the representation of nuclear stability despite the natural instability of the neutron and despite the extremely repulsive pro- tonic Coulomb forces. The main implications of the above studies are: 1) The prediction of novel means for the recycling of radioactive nuclear waste by nuclear power plants via new stimulated decays. 2) The possible return to the continuous creation of matter in the universe as a consistent way to explain the 0.782 MeV missing in the neutron synthesis. 3) The apparent confirmation of the historical reduction of all matter in the universe to pro- tons and electrons
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