Lie-isotopic representation of stable nuclei II: Exact and time invariant representation of the Deuteron data
In the preceding paper, we have presented apparent insufficiencies of quan- tum mechanics in nuclear physics To attempt a resolution of the indicated insufficiencies, in this paper we present a systematic and upgraded out- line of the axiom-preserving, time reversal invariant, Lie-isotopic branch of hadronic mechanics for the characterization of stable nuclei via the rep- resentation of the dimension, shape and density of protons and neutrons in the experimentally measured conditions of partial mutual penetration in a nuclear structure, with ensuing potential-Hamiltonian and contact non- Hamiltonian terms in nuclear force. We show that the Lie-isotopic methods allow a numerically exact and time invariant representations of all Deuteron data in the ground state without orbital contributions. We finally show that said representations are primarily due to the violation by Lie-isotopic meth- ods of Bell’s inequalities with explicit and concrete realizations of Bohm’s hidden variables, as well as to the completion of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle for point-like particles in vacuum under electromagnetic interac- tions into the isouncertainty principle of hadronic mechanics for extended nucleons in condiitons of partial mutual penetration allowing a progressive recovering of Einstein’s determinism under strong interactions up to its full recovery at the limit of Schwartzschild’s horizon.
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Ratio Mathematica - Journal of Mathematics, Statistics, and Applications. ISSN 1592-7415; e-ISSN 2282-8214.