Lie-isotopic representation of stable nuclei I: Apparent insufficiencies of quantum mechanics in nuclear physics
In this paper, we recall the majestic axiomatic consistency of quantum me- chanics for point-like particles and electromagnetic waves in vacuum. By following the 1935 historical argument by A. Einstein, B. Podolsky and N. Rosen that quantum mechanics is not a complete theory, we identify a number of apparent insufficiencies of quantum mechanics in nuclear physics with particular reference to the lack of numerically exact representation in one century of nuclear data, the prohibition by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle to represent the neutron synthesis from the electron and the pro- ton in the core of stars despite their extremely big Coulomb attraction and the ensuing inability to represent the nuclear stability. We then point out that the axiomatic origin of the indicated insufficiencies appears to be due to the representation of nuclear constituents as dimensionless particles, compared to the experimentally measured extended character of the charge distribution of protons and neutrons in conditions of partial mutual penetration within a nuclear structure, with consequential strong interactions of nonlinear, non- local and nonpotential. In the second paper, we attempt a resolution of the indicated insufficiencies with ensuing exact and invariant representation of the Deuteron data. In the third paper, we present a consequential representa- tion of nuclear stability with ensuing new means of recycling nuclear waste by nuclear power plants and other advances.
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Ratio Mathematica - Journal of Mathematics, Statistics, and Applications. ISSN 1592-7415; e-ISSN 2282-8214.