Ecological transition and new dwelling paradigms

Umberto Pagano


We are living a historical phase in which phenomena of enormous significance intersect: the digital turn, the “ecological transition”, the pandemic contingency, against the backdrop of a unique event in the history of human civilization and of Earth itself: for the first time behaviours and choices of a living species are among the main causes of a biotic transition (or mass extinction).The way of thinking, planning, building cities and houses faces with new scenarios. Human and social sciences are called to a deep and fundamental reflection, in the sign of complexity and of the overcoming of scientisms.

This contribution, starting from a radical re-thinking of dwelling, intends to provide a critical review of some concrete perspectives of “urban and housing transition” towards new spatial and relational models.


Environment, Sociology, Sustainability, Future, Urban

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Science & Philosophy - Journal of Epistemology, Science and Philosophy. ISSN 2282-7757; eISSN  2282-7765.