Society and territory: prevention and social planning

Roberto Veraldi


Prevention and social planning are two terms that bind to the sense of community and identity of a territory, at a time of socio-economic regeneration of the territory itself and resilience to the crises imposed by globalization. The local community is at the center of the processes of renaissance, or at least this is what all decision-makers declare in their planning.  In reality, programming (at all levels, from European to local) needs to confront the demands, values, resources and power (even perceived) of change that belong to the local community, as an expression of relationships and power. The relationship between external/internal agents of change is not only limited to policy makers and stakeholders (both of the different levels of programming and of the different sectors of the same local community), but also to the view that they have of the dichotomies (sometimes stereotyped) such as: health/health, well-being/disease, development/protection, investment/cost, participation/delegation.

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Science & Philosophy - Journal of Epistemology, Science and Philosophy. ISSN 2282-7757; eISSN  2282-7765.