Mathematics, Arts and Literature
This work, in continuity with the article published by Ferdinando Casolaro and Giovanna Della Vecchia in Vol 5 (2), 2017 of this series, in which we noted that in the centuries since the eight century B.C. at the 13th century A.D. the evolution of Astronomy and historical events have influenced the development of Mathematics, intends to demonstrate how the Architecture and Literature of the following centuries have further conditioned the development of the sciences in Italy and, in particular, of Mathematics, identifying the affinities and, in some cases, the coincidences between the different forms of thought that invite us to make a serious reflection on the uniqueness of culture.
Full Text:
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Copyright (c) 2018 Ferdinando Casolaro, Giovanna Della Vecchia, Giovanna Della Vecchia
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Science & Philosophy - Journal of Epistemology, Science and Philosophy. ISSN 2282-7757; eISSN 2282-7765.